The Davies
27.09.23: Clare talks at the very first international Arginine Methylation symposium held in Dijon. EuroMeP was a great success.
13.7.23: Well done to Lizzie for passing her PhD viva. Thanks to Christine Schmidt (University of Manchester) and Prof. Steve Smerdon for being excellent examiners.
15.12.22: Clare wins "Supervisor of the Year" at the ICGS annual awards.
Thanks for the votes!!
19.06.22: FASEB Biological Methylation conference in Scilly was a great success.
Well done to Ernesto Guccione and Rob Schneider for the excellent organisation, wonderful food, wines and fantastic science. Lets hope the 2024 event organised by Clare and Kai Ge (USA) is just as successful!!
10.6.22: Davies lab presenting at the BCGB symposium
Congratulations to PhD student Matthew Gillespie for his talk on "Drug targeting PRMT5 in breast cancer stem cells". Well done to Dr. Kelly Chiang and Dr. Soo Youn Choi for their poster presentations.
18.3.22: Our PRMT1-USP11-MRE11 Nat. Comms. paper is ICGS Genome Theme paper of the year
Congratulations to first authors Pilar, Soo and Lizzie, and the rest of the team.
And close collaborator Dr. Paloma Garcia was awarded PhD supervisor of the year, well done!
11.5.21: Clare is Keynote speaker at the "Protein Arginine Methylation" Abcam webinar
Included a great overview of PRMT and the DNA damage response, and a sneaky peak at our (then) unpublished USP11 story. Thank you for all the stimulating questions.